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Philosophy of Plato

Plato is known as one of the world's greatest philosophers. At the time of the death of Pericles in 429 V. was born, he spent almost eighty years to the point, which began the great with the birth of Alexander. He belonged to an aristocratic Athenian family who were the then relatively wealthy by the standards. A large number of Plato's played an active role in Athenian politics related, but this was an activity, the Plato of the spared.

In his youth he was fascinated by the teachings and thoughts of Socrates, so much so that he attended the Academy, established the Socrates. Plato was only thirty years old when Socrates was killed in prison for crimes against the gods.

Although incredibly by the death of Socrates tortured, Plato put on record the discussions he had held with his teacher. Now we know what most of Socrates, the man and his thought, comes from the texts created by Plato.

In the course of time, he began his own concepts and ideas relating to philosophy. His best known work is "The Republic". His thoughts this is on a text that describes a better government than what was currently in power in Athens could be made.

As under the old philosophers of that time usual, he was not a fan of democracy. It was his impression, that uneducated people have no say in the election officials who were to govern. He submitted to meet the a proposal, that the most intellectually should be undertaken in the company, to keep the power and decisions. A cynic may say that due to his education under the aristocracy he would always suggest that the Pinnacle should govern.

Plato had a passion for nature and how biological systems interact and develop. He believed that all matter and mind, a perfect form had. A metaphor in the context of a cave was declared one of the most popular methods that he used his concepts.

He suggested that if there was a cave in which there was a group of men against a wall chained and she could see only the back of the cave and no longer all that what visible for them shadow would be, and all reality included these shadows. He suggested that if one this cave prisoners to escape and in the beauty of the outer world, when he then visit the remaining prisoners and tell them what outside, it is likely that he would be said that he was crazy and perhaps even hallucinating returned existed.

Plato have been proposed that we very much stuck all the men in a cave. We believe that we know about the world and existence, but we are caught up in our bodies, so as the men in the history of cave have been caught. It was his mission people more sense of the real world, both in practical and theoretical directions to.

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