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Holarchy, the nested hierarchy of Holons

Arthur Koestler coined the terms "Holon" and "Holarchy" in the year 1967 in his book the Ghost in the machine. Recently, these words of the philosopher Ken Wilber have been repopularized. The word Holon's meaning a neuter of the Greek "Holos", "whole." Holon refers to an entity or concept, the at the same time a whole, but is a part of a larger constellation. HOLONS are stable, autonomous and independent, but also subject to control by higher Holonic authorities. You are also intermediate forms on which builds all Holarchy. The Holarchy is a nested hierarchy of Holons. Hierarchy is not the perfect word for that statement, but for lack of another it used. The inappropriateness of come from the Holarchy focus on horizontal translation as opposed to vertical transformation. One thing not to others, but transcends and includes the former. Development is envelopment. This is because of the nested nature of Holarchies.

An example of a Holarchy is, that the particle, Atom, molecule, and upwards through the great chain of being. The particle is a discrete, self-contained Monad (course particle physics will deepen more eventually, but for reasons the discussion) of which may be more of an atom include.... Multiple atoms form a molecule. The test is whether a Holarchy is formed from this Holons a unit remove and see whether the nest can survive. Remove the atom means no molecules can exist, but still keep particles. Remove however, particles and atoms and molecules cannot be found. Aspect of the Holarchy integrated particles and atoms that still differentiated represent the increasing.

Energy to the multiverse matter universe. Cells, organelles to organs to organisms. Companies for ecosystems on the planet. These are the Holons in Holarchy. If this separate Holarchies be taken into account, it can be understood that each Holarchy one other larger Holarchy and is part of. This way of thinking is an attempt, all aspects of the reality in a theory of everything, much like the attempt to find to integrate in physics theory vereinheitlichende a grand of a basic power of the universe. However can Holon and Holarchy envelope and include all businesses and disciplines, matter and the intangible, concrete and abstract, etc.. Ken Wilber has published this A theory of everything, in his book in the year 2000, as introduction to his integral theory of reality a layman.

A basic version of a very detailed idea was presented as a character called "The great Holarchy." in this book. Wilber skillfully, shows that many of the traditions, science and religion, including not are "non-overlapping Magisteria", but nested Holons. Wilber covers the entire range of the reality in this figure. EnVision concentric circles each includes the next, including matter, life, mind, soul and spirit. Everyone is dealing with each Holon, or physics, biology, psychology, theology and mysticism combined with the school. How beautiful it comes together. Everyone can be present without the next, as long as any it contains remains.

To investigate a bit further, you should issue of body and mind the Descartes dualism. Are the two separate entities, or is there a mechanism with which the immaterial mind physical brain and can affect the body? No answer is represented, but the question is more elaborately framed if Holarchy in the Conversatiion. Modern research has shown that awareness is not just some transcendent thing in itself to keep its own existence, as described by some religious traditions. Physical brain condition correlated the disembodied theory of consciousness refute, but it proves not the reductionist approach that consciousness is nothing but neuronal interaction either. We confirm that science and spirituality in a certain sense overlap, and both brothers in their philosophical search be considered for the truth. Brain and consciousness are two Holons, nested with brain awareness. We have seen, in many scenarios, brain without consciousness, as in comas will continue to work. Still, awareness can work without the brain. This fits in with our expectation of Holons in Holarchy.

HOLONS are seen when she and recognized by the most everyone in everyday life, not a new idea. But after the concept called has allows it more clear us to think and apply the concept to other areas of thought and reality. Integration of Holons within Holarchy our thinkers a step closer to that has led to "big picture" and unlocks probably more secrets of the universe. Progress is to be had, but there is no transformation, but a translation, where would we be, and where would we go without a story. Progress itself is a Holarchy history and time!

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