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Urmila's lament – even the poet forgot it


Dashrath, the King of Ayodhya, had four sons by his three wives. Kausalya had Bharat RAM, Kaikeyi and Sumitra gave birth to twins Lakshman and Shatrughn. You all loved each other, but RAM and the Lakshman were always together; Bharat and Shatrughn moved together.

The story revolves around RAM and his wife Sita. As Dashrath, announced his intention to RAM, the oldest, Crown Kaikeyi demanded the throne for her son Bharat. The King suffered a major shock and died. But RAM voluntarily to his stepmother desire to meet and went into the forest for fourteen years, as called for by Kaikeyi. SITA, his wife and the Lakshman accompanied to him. Thirteen years she wandered in the forest, its beauty and Tapasya do (think concentrated) enjoy the hospitality of the Sage.

In the last year proved tragic. A gripping story made the epic the events of this crucial year. Ravan, the King of Sri Lanka, had a fancy for SITA. He sent his uncle in the form of a golden spotted deer and SITA wanted to have it. Both RAM and Lakshman tried capture in vain, to him, but the animal deceived and led the brothers away when Ravan came and kidnapped SITA.

In the South, Bali and his brother Sugriv fought for the Kingdom and a woman (all monkeys, apparently there are no men were) and RAM killed send Bali, by an arrow secretly from his hiding place on the ground. On the other hand helped to defeat Sugriv and his army of monkeys Ravan.

Vibhishan, Ravan's brother, was in Sri Lanka is located and rescued SITA from captivity. As she had spent a long time in captivity, she was asked to prove her chastity to jump into the fire. You met and all returned to Ayodhya where Bharat was judgment by the proxy. He sat on the throne RAM's shoes and slept on the floor, eating only the minimum; So was his AWE to RAM.

During the reign of RAM, celebridad recalled the wishes of his subjects affectionately as Ramraj. If there were whispers of the chastity of SITA, she was thrown into the forest by her husband when she was carrying twins, Lav and Kush. The King wanted to call them back, but the proud woman committed suicide, disappear from the Earth. In contrast to other epics Ramayan is the sacred texts of Hindus, who read at home and in the temples during the month of Shravan (July-August 15).


Describes the scene where the Prince meet their mothers before setting out into the forest, they see Kausalya and Sumitra. Sumitra advises them on how she should be the long journey into the unknown forest, face, where they can have enormous difficulties. RAM tries to dissuade SITA, but she insisted to her beloved.

What about Urmila? She could have followed suit. It would be good company for SITA. But Lakshman even forget to say good bye to her. I am confused by this big omission IN VALMIKI's RAMAYAN. RAM SITA treating has been written about much. Kumaran Asan wrote the beautiful and sad poem "Chinthavishta Aya Sita" (SITA immersed in thought). A number of commentators have mercilessly criticized RAM; But why ignore them poor, lonely girl Urmila? I think that never do they loved Lakshman. Otherwise such as he could go away? He liked ever her, who spent fourteen years excited to see a glimpse of their beloved?

View the original article here


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