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Teddy celebrates 112 years of love and hugs

Since 1902 teddy bears bring smiles to their owners, this is the year that a the Washington Post front page cartoon Assembly of cartoonist Clifford Barryman sent drawings. Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy) illustrated the cartoons are refusing, bear cub shoot a young. The cartoon titled "Drawing the Line in Mississippi" immediate attention.

Sometimes the smallest gestures speak volumes. Roosevelt was hunting in Mississippi, when the Group was he with a black bear lassoed and it to a tree bound. The President was waved and as he was stubbornly Roosevelt the bear refused bound and fear to shoot. He held it for unsportsmanlike to shoot the helpless animal.

The cartoon was frequently reprinted, and caught the attention of men and women shop owner, Morris and rose Michtom, owner of a small store for toys and novelty in Brooklyn, New York. The cartoon inspired the pair create a stuffed bear with black shoe button eyes. Michtom asked permission from Roosevelt, to use his name for the bears and soon, she began manufacturing and selling stuffed bears for every $1.50.

With the consent of the President that Michtom bears were founded in synchronized "Teddy Bears" and the ideal novelty and Toy Corporation. In 1938 she became the ideal toy company. About that at some point were the Michtom their bear manufacturing, a similar bear appeared in Germany. The company Steiff began producing its first jointed stuffed bears 1902-1903.

The charming toy bears are huggable and loved by children and adults around the world, so that they the world's third to the collectable item for stamps and coins. The highest price for an antique Steiff teddy bears was $250,000!

Barbara, a bear has stuffed bear for more than 20 years of work books collectors from Portland, Oregon. Their passion for the furry creatures began her two sons were grown. It has more than 100 bears, including children, young people and older bears.

"Everyone has a unique life-like quality," said Barbara. "The fuzzy bear appearance seems eluieren its special personality and a proper name for him or her come to me." All Barbara's bears have their own names.

Barbara's bears have two things in common. You are cherished and marked with special memories. Some are heart-warming stories in their background. Sometimes your bears are special gifts that it gives the love and encouragement to others.

Since the introduction of the more than 100-year Teddy bear-changed his appearance and customs, but over the years, the teddy bear remains a loveable symbol of childhood and innocence. Teddy is a part of our culture. Tweed Roosevelt, great-grandson of Theodore Roosevelt has said, "I think that Teddy bear has, to all represent, that is good about people."

What do you call a collector of Teddy bears? A Arctophilist. Yes, is there a name for the avid collector as Barbara. Today, Teddy bears produced and sold today by many different toy manufacturers and as the first bear, today bears still the bear inspired the through life to commemorate Teddy Roosevelt.

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