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Hanging gardens of Babylon

The hanging gardens of Babylon, sometimes also known as the hanging gardens of Semiramis, of the Babylonian King Nebuchadrezzar II, built circa 600 BC. The hanging gardens of Babylon were located in the today's Iraq, close to the Euphrates. King Nebuchadnezzar II built the immense lofty gardens probably his mistress, Urtikart, to settle down, for the scenic green splendour of the media, yearned to their former home. The hanging gardens of Babylon is said to have been destroyed in the second century b.c.. in an earthquake, and are the only one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, whose Existenz is not verifiable through the ruins.

It is generally accepted that the hanging gardens of Babylon of in all probability not actually "hung" but rather, the word was "hanging" derived an approximate translation of the Greek word "Kremastos", meaning "overhanging". The gardens described as 100 meters long by 100 feet wide to immense quadrangle terraces of brick and in step-like levels arranged built shaped into. Each Vault contained the terraces, which were built under them and supported the entire weight of the garden. On the same level as the city walls was the highest point of the garden and the top vault at an impressive height of 75 meters. Cover the vault were roof beams around the stone 16 metres in length. It was at this time for such slabs of stone to be used in Babylon go unheard. Reed mixed with thick tar were on the bars, followed by two levels of brick and a layer of lead designed to moisture in the dirt from seeping through the roof stop strata. Enough dirt was top of the roof, then you select piled planting of even the largest trees. The stone described some authors the gardens as increased for high columns, to the citizens of Babylon, among them are enabled.

Although it is obvious that was in the dry desert climate, which they feed gardens without some sort of irrigation could have, there are conflicting theories about how this irrigation was achieved. There are additional debate whether the hanging gardens is actually existed from Babylon mainly because scientists today are that only a complex irrigation system could have carried out the water from the Euphrates to the point, where it used would have, to water the garden. The green hanging gardens are thoroughly with Greek and Roman historians no documentation or mention of the hanging gardens however confirmed in the Babylonian records is available. It is possible that the actual location with existing gardens in ancient Assyria, could have exchanged over the years, is, that it Tablet fonts are the unmistakable document gardens at that location.

It is believed by some that over the years the hanging gardens of Babylon with gardens can have confused existed in Nineveh, on the eastern side of the River Tigris, since tablets from there clearly show gardens. Documentation of Nineveh tablets, illustrate have a method of raising the water to the height required to irrigate the hanging gardens of Babylon. The missing mention of the hanging gardens in the entire Babylonian history, as well as the fact that it, that there was no ruins, who can prove the massive gardens, mean that the hanging gardens of Babylon remain the only unverified structure under the seven ancient wonders of the world to this day.

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