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3 Power Keys to Unleash Your Motivation in an Instant

Staying motivated is one of the most important keys to success that you must adopt. If you fail to motivate yourself, you will never have the drive to take the necessary action. And if you are not taking any action, you will never produce the results you want. This is why motivation is important if you want to be successful.
This is exactly what you are going to find out in this article. You will discover the 3 power keys to unleash your motivation in an instant. Apply these 3 keys into your life and you will turn yourself on for success...

1. Adopt the outcome focus thinking. What you need to do is to focus and think about the outcome that you want to accomplish. For example, if you feel like no motivation to make cold calls, focus and think about the outcomes you want such as earning the money, closing the sale, driving your dream car, make your friends envy and so on. This will definitely turn you on and get you motivated in an instant. Successful people always think about what they want, this is why their level of motivation is so high.
2. Leverage on the principle of momentum. Just get it started. If you find that it is hard to start cleaning or doing any task that you supposed to get it done, just tell yourself that you are going to do it for 10 minutes. The key is to get you started. Once you have started, you will build the momentum and you will have no problem finishing the task. Just get changed and you will find yourself in the gym room doing healthy exercise.
3. Apply the reward and punish system to your life. When you did something that will move your life forward, reward yourself with a movie, snack, a short nap, etc. On the other hand, if you fail to take the necessary action, punish yourself with less sleep, no snack and movie and so on. You have to train yourself to be discipline if you want to be successful.

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