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Johann Sebastian Bach, father of the great music, takes his final breath

The last years of his life as relatives of Catharina Dorothea, daughter of Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach

My father suffered eye problems for the last ten years of his life. Until the beginning of 1749, he could no longer work full capacity. He was eye simply tired and broken by his constant problems, sometimes rendered him nearly blind.

Make matters worse, in addition, the terrible and tactless authorities in the City Council allows even a candidate, a Mr Harrer, for which my father one year before the death of my father take the post of Cantor of St. Thomas. The town Chronicle also reported that the authorities on the great Johann Sebastian Bach were counted death. Yet, on my father, as he was his wife Anna Magdalena and his new son-in-law able, with his compositions and correspondence with the help and former pupil Johann Christoph Altnickol married my sister Elisabeth Juliane Friederica. It was all a difficult period for us.

Finally, my was father's eyesight and health dramatically. He fought so and so frustrated in not able to see that when we heard that a famous English ophthalmologist named John Taylor was visiting Leipzig, has been decided that our love would father the painful operation restore his sight.

The nagging eye surgery performed by Dr. Taylor in March seemed a little help, but then a month later, my father's eyesight was almost disappeared again. Dr. Taylor therefore this terrible operation performed a second time.

Unfortunately, this process was very bad and dad was then totally blind and severely weakened by the acid test and the harmful drugs. We sought to make it pleasant but he never won his strength.

From July 22 took Magdelana alongside his dad his last supper in our home with his children and his beloved Anna. He died only six days later in the evening of on July 28 at a stroke. We he buried three days later at St. John's cemetery.

From the pulpit of St. Thomas of my father's death was announced: "God of the Esteemed and highly respected Mr Johann Sebastian Bach, Court are peaceful and blessed Serene Highness in Saxony, as well as acting composer of his Royal Majesty in Poland and electoral Prince of Anhalt-Cothenund Cantor at St. Thomas' school", at the St. Thomas square. "

The largest of the Bach had left this world for the peace of the next.

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