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Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. Ephesus is one Greek port city is located at the West coast of Turkey is that of the modern town of Selçuk. The Temple of Artemis there actually were in various forms in the bronze age, which have been destroyed and rebuilt on the same site in the course of which goes back years. The most fabulous revisions of the temple was the last Temple, which was started in the year 550 BC and was rumored to have taken over 120 years. Architect Chersiphron and his son of Metagenes were responsible for the design of the temple built in 550 b.c.. The temple to have burned in the same night of Alexander the great was born. It is rumored that Artemis so caught up in the safe birth of Alexander of the great was their temples from the burning ground could save.

It was almost six years later before the new temple will be built in its place would. Scopas of PAROS was the greatest architect of his time and was chosen to design the new temple. She was surrounded by marble stairs, which ascended a terrace of four hundred metres in length. There is debate over whether the temple ceiling was crowned with wooden tiles or open-air in design. It was probably built the first building with marble. Within the temple were 127 marble columns expand sixty metres high. It is the thirty-six columns where the lower halves of the columns in the high relief were carved were amazing feature. High relief is a form of sculpture, marble columns, increase to more than half of their deep appear human figures or animals of background, in this case.

Within the temple, there were four bronze statues of Amazons and the statue of Artemis. The Greek people revered Cybele, who was mother of the gods and Ephesus dedicated to Cybele in 10th century BC, dating and a citywide Festival, the Ephesia, to her honour. The Temple of Artemis and the statue of Artemis dedicated resembled Ephesus Artemis, the close Cybele, mother of the gods and fertility goddess, was the Greek Artemis, Diana, the goddess of the hunt.

The Temple of Artemis was almost completely destroyed by the Ostrogoths in A.D. 262. At that time were the city and the following of Artemis in decline. A century later when city, rebuilt he refused Constantine, the temple to replace, because he had no interest in pagan temple, after giving a Christian. An architect to find sent by the British Museum to the temple site found at the bottom of the River Cayster that turtle in 1869 by John wood, the first of the columns in the temple ruins. The sculptured remains he found back to the Museum shipped, where it can be viewed today. 1904 Was another British expedition of D.G. Hograth is five temples layered a top of the other led. In the present, only a single column in a marshy field to the location of the Temple of Artemis remains represent a sad end for one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

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