Dictionary for your dreams A dream sums up to meanings to someone help uncover the underlying functioning of subconscious. Sometimes you find objects, animals, people or ask questions in a dream and you are, if you bear a special meaning or if it can mean misery a future luck or years. We have a good reference for this purpose? Yes, we do definitely. Check out dream dictionary to see what the things or objects can hold for you. No longer wonder about things you see in a dream and find out, what they in this mean easy for eBook reading. Good omens in life can be collected if you see the following in your dreams: apples, cheese, eggs, fish, playing card, a white rabbit, spider, Swan, umbrella, whiskey and wine. On the other hand, you can see some things in your dream as it brings negative significance for life such as vinegar, stapler, snake, scissors, all reptiles, black rabbit, Palace, mustard, monkey, mirror, Kiss, empty House, gun, grasshopper, goat, empty glass, Gambling, calendar,
Difference is something beautiful, not something used as an excuse to hurt each other, when we are able to understand the meaning of differences, then we can live with more happiness, and respect each other...